
Please enter all fields below to register, then click Submit (mandatory fields are marked red)

Company Main Contact Name  
Please include the first name and last name of the main point of contact from the company/organisation. E.g. "John Doe"
Company Main Contact Email  
The e-mail address of the main point of contact from the company/organisation. E.g. "contactname@domain.com"
Company Address  
Address excluding city/county/postcode
City of the main office
The county of the main office/headquarters of the company/organisation e.g. Cheshire
Company Postcode Zipcode  
The main postcode of the company/organisation. e.g. “CF24 3DG” for a UK-based company "2900–3199" for South-African based company
The country of the main office/headquarters of the company/organisation
Company Telephone  
e.g. +4471234567 The main phone number of the main office/headquarters organisation
Supplier Scheme/Register  
Please select the scheme or register that is used as the unique ID for your company or organisation
Supplier ID  
The ID or reference number for the Supplier Scheme or Register selected
Is Company VCSE?  
Voluntary Community & Social Enterprise (VCSE) Sector: The VCSE sector is the current ‘catch all’ term that includes any organisation (incorporated or not) working with Social Purposes. e.g. Registered Charities/Charitable Trusts/small community based groups/schemes/co-operative/Sole traders or Business Partnerships (if primary purpose is social)
Is Company SME?  
Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are defined in the EU recommendation 2003/361. Visit https://eur-lex.europa.eu and Search for 32003H0361
Company Registration Number  
If your company or organisation is registered with UK Companies House
Company DUNS Number  
If your company or organisation does not have a DUNS Number you can register at: www.dnb.co.uk/duns-number/lookup/request-a-duns-number.html
VAT Registration Number  
Enter your company VAT or Tax registration number. If not registered enter: Not Applicable
Company Ultimate Parent  
The overarching authority. For example the company "Alphabet inc" is the ultimate parent for various companies such as "Google"

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